Eunsuk Hur
Eunsuk Hur
Fashion & Textile Designer, PhD Student
School of Design, University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom
As a textile designer I became interested in developing interchangeable modular systems that promote sustainable design. Inspired by fundamental geometric structure and patterns of growth in nature, I have explored concepts of symmetry, tessellations and fractal geometry in the creation of modular patterns and shapes for practical application in textile and fashion design. These modular pieces, which can be combined or taken apart at the will of the consumer, are used to explore a practice that encourages the end-user to participate in design process through a flexible approach to the creation and transformation of textile products.

Transformative Modular Scarf #3
20' x 20" x 20"
Laser cut nonwoven fabric

Transformative Modular Scarf #2
20' x 20" x 20"
Laser cut nonwoven fabric

Transformative Modular Scarf #1
20' x 20" x 20"
Laser cut nonwoven fabric