Mehrdad Garousi

Freelance painter, photographer, and fractal artist
Hamadan, Iran

Discovery of a way of representing 3D exposures of fractals, with fractional dimensions, digitally was an astonishing landmark that opened new doors toward unknown worlds more tangible for us observing and understanding in a 3D manner. One of the wonderful pieces of software which allows this type of 3D explorations in fractal worlds is Mandelbulb 3D to which I have got addicted for months. All my works seen here are created by this amazing software.

Space Shelter
Space Shelter
20" x 20"
Digital print

This fractal environment has been created with a well known formula in Mandelbulb 3D named "Amazing Box" which provides rectangular surfaces placing on larger similar ones and sometimes arranging in form of half-spheres. Such a self-similarity has provided this bizarre landscape under the shining sky.

Biscuit Land
Biscuit Land
20" x 20"
Digital print

This work exposures a fractal ensemble floating in space with materials reminding of biscuits. Mathematical structure of the mass has worked according to two tied ways of iterating: one that slices and hatches cubes of materials vertically and horizontally and the other one that drills the center of the front face of every sliced cube. Drilled areas are distinctive with the remaining orange cubic shapes at their centers. The simplicity of iterations at first might inspire a wholly ordered scene, but minor changes in the formula have caused more complexities and chaotic behaviors to appear; especially, in drilled areas and the distant portions lying in the glowering background. Blurred distant stuff also shows that we are in the middle of an erstwhile continuous iteration at some magnification.

Triangles World
Triangles World
20" x 30"
Digital print

This 3D environment, entirely constructed in accordance with Sierpinski triangular pattern, represents a dream land for Sierpinski lovers. This fractal is made up of a mixture of four different fractal formulas (some of them are hybrid formulas that really do not remind of any standard fractal and their names are only meaningful in Mandelbulb 3D), each one showing its particular properties visually effective in certain cycles of iterations during magnifications. The main initiator of this fractal has been an icosahedron we are looking at a blown up portion of which at a 5.544 E7 magnification.