Javier Villegas

"Phd Student"
"Media Arts and Technology Department, UCSB"
Costa Mesa , CA, USA

Analysis and synthesis (A/S) processes are frequently applied to multimedia signals. Once the signal is analyzed, the set of extracted parameters can be more convenient for storage, finite length representation, transmission or manipulation than the signal on its original form. In the audio domain A/S approaches
had also been used very successfully for the creative manipulation of sounds.
Little work has been done in the creative manipulation of video or images with a similar approach.
These explorations illustrate the creative possibilities of A/S techniques on images.

Self portrait with ellipses
Self portrait with ellipses
1800 x 1200

An image is analyzed to extract the connected components on different gray levels. Then, the second order properties of every extracted region are used to re-synthesize the original image with ellipses.

Self portrait with lines
Self portrait with lines
1800 x 1200

This self-portrait was generated from a video sequence. The edge map of an image is represented in a parametric space. Then, a set of straight lines originally placed in random positions and orientations, is sequentially attracted to the local maxima of this space.