
David H. Press

Artist & retired math and computer teacher

Blind Brook Middle School

Rye Brook, NY, USA




I am dedicated to fully exploring the possibilities of three dimensional shapes formed from straight lines. Symmetry makes it easier to suspend a part in midair as the forces on the part pull it in all directions equally. My recent work explores more assymetrical forms and the incorporation of more empty space as part of the definition of the shape of the piece. I’ve also concentrated on the creation of shapes that appear to float in space. For inspiration I draw on the work of four people. Foremost is 19th century mathematician and model maker Theodore Olivier whose string sculptures over 150 years ago were beautiful representations of mathematical shapes. The others are artists Naum Gabo, Alexander Calder, and Kenneth Snelson. Gabo provides a constructivist vision, Calder a focus on color, lightness and movement, and Snelson an understanding of tensegrity. The pieces in this show are representative of my most recent work.


Image for entry 'Red and Yellow Phoenix'

Red and Yellow Phoenix

23 by 23 by 7 inches

cotton and laminated wood


Two circles with the middle one suspended by the tension of the red and yellow strings. Symmetry, tensegrity and a repeated ruled surface provide the shape of this sculpture. Strings that enter a circle as one color and exit as a different color are a feature of this piece.
Image for entry 'Triangle with Offset Half Circles'

Triangle with Offset Half Circles

23 by 21 by 11 inches

cotton and laminated wood


A mobile that creates shapes from movement and open space. Different stringing patterns provide a variety of ruled surfaces in one piece.
Image for entry 'Oval and Split Raceway'

Oval and Split Raceway

24 by 17.5 by 19.5 inches

cotton, bent wood and laminated wood


A mobile that creates shapes from movement, assymetry and open space. Two types of ruled surfaces are demonstrated.