Francesco De Comité

Associate Professor in Computer Science
Computer Science department University of Sciences of Lille (France)
Lille (France)

For some time now, I am exploring the theory and practice of anamorphoses, hidden images which must be seen through a mirror to reveal their meaning. I have defined a method, explained in previous Bridges papers, which allows to build 3D distorted structures instead of flat images. Possibilities are infinite. I present this year two new examples (a former one was exhibited at Bridges 2011 in Coimbra).

Hexagonal Flower
Hexagonal Flower
Metal, Nylon

A 3D flower hiding a set of nested hexagons.

A Whiter Shade of Deep Purple
A Whiter Shade of Deep Purple
Digital print

Sets of tangent circles can be generated in several ways : Apollonian gaskets, Steiner's chain, Doyle Spirals... Once you have such a set of tangent circles, you can apply geometric transformations preserving those tangencies : circle inversions, Mobius transform. Combining all those tools let you create an infinity of arrangements. I explain some techniques, and show some other results in a paper to be presented at the conference.

Hidden Pentagram
Hidden Pentagram
Wood, Metal, Nylon

A 3D anamorphosis, where the distorted structure lays on a cylinder.