Jean Constant

Santa Fe, NM, USA

Mathematics allow physical sciences to define the reality of matter. Can artistic expression based on mathematics and exact sciences produce outcomes relevant to the concept of beauty - and meet the esthetic expectation of the viewer as well?

Tetragonal symmetry
Tetragonal symmetry
Mixed medium on canvas

Tetragonal crystals are defined by the presence of one fourfold rotational symmetry axis. The background is a computer files system scan that was given a droste effect.

Trigonal symmetry
Trigonal symmetry
Mixed medium on canvas

Trigonal crystal symmetry, as shown in the inside of the main circle, has four crystallographic axes, one at 90 degrees to the other three, and three at 60 degrees to each other. The rotation circle has been made to look like a sundial on a florentine garden wall.

Isometric symmetry
Isometric symmetry
Mixed medium on canvas

The isometric system in the crystallographic point groups symmetries table is the most symmetrical system possible in a three dimensional space. The symmetry points visualization was integrated in a monochrome background that mirrors and reflects the foreground image.