Vi Hart (VH), Andrea Hawksley (AH), Henry Segerman (HS), Will Segerman (WS) and Marc ten Bosch (MtB)

Researcher (VH, AH); Assistant Professor of Mathematics (HS); Artist (WS); President (MtB)
Communications Design Group (VH, AH); Oklahoma State University (HS); Self Employed (WS); MTB Design Works, Inc. (MtB)
San Francisco, CA, USA (VH, AH, MtB); Stillwater, OK, USA (HS); Brighton, UK (WS)

Vi Hart is a mathemusician and virtual reality artist who likes triangles.

Andrea Hawksley is a VR researcher who enjoys finding and creating mathematical patterns in the everyday things around her.

Henry Segerman's mathematical research is in 3-dimensional geometry and topology. He is also interested in procedural generation, self reference, ambigrams and puzzles.

Will Segerman is a self-employed sculptor in analogue and digital media. His current main source of income is as a virtual milliner.

Marc ten Bosch is an independent game designer and programmer, currently working on games that let you explore and interact with a four-dimensional world.

Monkey See, Monkey Do can be experienced at

Monkey See, Monkey Do
Monkey See, Monkey Do
35 x 65 x 50 cm
3D printed nylon plastic, Virtual reality

This piece consists of three 3D printed sculptures together with an associated virtual reality experience. The three sculptures visualise different 4D symmetry groups. A monkey motif is placed in each cube, octahedron or dodecahedron of the 8-, 24- or 120-cell, giving objects with symmetry groups the 8-element quaternion group, the binary tetrahedral group, and the binary icosahedral group respectively. The designs are radially projected to the 3-sphere then stereographically projected to 3-space. The VR experience animates each of these, showing one generator of each symmetry group. The virtual monkeys are coloured by an algorithm based on the Hopf fibration from the 3-sphere to the 2-sphere, which is then embedded in the RGB colour cube.