Vi Hart (VH), Andrea Hawksley (AH), Henry Segerman (HS), Will Segerman (WS) and Marc ten Bosch (MtB)
Henry Segerman
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
Vi Hart is a mathemusician and virtual reality artist who likes triangles. Andrea Hawksley is a VR researcher who enjoys finding and creating mathematical patterns in the everyday things around her. Henry Segerman's mathematical research is in 3-dimensional geometry and topology. He is also interested in procedural generation, self reference, ambigrams and puzzles. Will Segerman is a self-employed sculptor in analogue and digital media. His current main source of income is as a virtual milliner. Marc ten Bosch is an independent game designer and programmer, currently working on games that let you explore and interact with a four-dimensional world. Monkey See, Monkey Do can be experienced at

Monkey See, Monkey Do
35 x 65 x 50 cm
3D printed nylon plastic, Virtual reality