2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings

David Bachman, Robert Fathauer, and Henry Segerman


David Bachman

Professor of Mathematics; Associate Professor of Mathematics

Pitzer College

Claremont, CA





[DB] My design process starts with translating a physical form to a mathematical model, which can be endlessly modified. Truly new objects are then produced from these models by modern digital fabrication techniques. [RF] I'm endlessly fascinated by certain aspects of our world, including symmetry, chaos, and infinity. Mathematics allows me to explore these topics in distinctive artworks that I feel are an intriguing blend of complexity and beauty. [HS] My mathematical research is in 3-dimensional geometry and topology, and concepts from those areas often appear in my work. Other artistic interests involve procedural generation, self reference, ambigrams and puzzles.


Image for entry 'Hilbert Sphere'

Hilbert Sphere

3.15" diameter for the full sphere

3D printed plastic, resin


The design was created using a combination of CAD software (Rhino, Grasshopper) and python code. To create the model, Hilbert curves were constructed on each face of a cube, and joined together. The resulting loops were then mapped onto spheres in such a way so as to keep curvatures as uniform as possible. Loops from successive generations of the construction were placed on spheres of larger radii, and a surface was created by interpolating between them. The inner structure of the spherical model is revealed in the smaller piece, which is exactly one-third of the spherical model.