Taneli Luotoniemi
Taneli Luotoniemi
Doctoral candidate of art
Dept. of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, Aalto University
The geometric concept of the fourth spatial dimension has had a lasting effect on Western culture and science. My doctoral work in the context of art education – particularly in the interdisciplinary context of mathematics and art, studies the possibilities of making 3-dimensional objects that represent hyperspatial content and have visual quality of an art piece. Constructive experiments in graphic, plastic and virtual media are used, informed by theoretical background of low-dimensional topology and projective geometry. Even if a full understanding of the artifacts requires some mathematical knowledge of 4D space, I hope that the pieces will also evoke immediate visual attraction, even for the lay audience.

Ideal Plane of a Cube
30 x 30 x 30 cm
Painted wooden rods, acrylic sheets