Dominick Talvacchio

Artist, Teacher, Word Puzzle Writer
Queens, New York, USA

In making visual art inspired by mathematical research or by a mathematical sensibility, I am less interested in illustrating particular mathematical results than I am in exploring the very nature of mathematical beauty. In these these works I endeavor to palpate—with quiet, minimal, meditative gestures—the mysterious body of mathematical thought, hoping to come close to what I call the "eros of mathematics": the beauty of mathematical pattern, its sensuous rigor, its austere charm, its status as part discovery, part invention—expressed through the phenomenology of sensory experience. I want to create works which breathe the beauty of mathematics, and which contain something of the paradox of losing oneself not in chaos but in order.

Alhambra Below
Alhambra Below
51 x 51 cm
Pencil on paper

Typically when creating a tessellation in the style of the ancient Islamic patterns, one discards or colors over the series of preliminary markings necessary to generate the tessellating shape. I've done a few works like this, where I leave in place the infrastructure "below" the intended design, and also allow what we consider the "final" pattern to fade at the edges. The effect is a kind of movement or breath between the support layer and the final layer, to collapse the distance between these, allow them to play with each other, adding a dimension which penetrates the surface, and which we experience as a kind of infinity different from, but related to, the infinite way in which the tessellation covers the plane.