Krystyna Burczyk

Lisbon, Portugal / Kraków, Poland

Paper is my medium. By folding and twisting, I transform rectangular sheets of paper into small pieces with interlocking spirals that hold the work together and provide its inner core. I never use glue to join the pieces; I prefer “live spirals” that work and cooperate against the force of gravity. The remaining parts of the pieces form the surface and determine the shape and texture of the artwork.

I rely on regular polyhedra structures, essential for the visual effect and the physical stability of my works.

In 2015-18 I realized an art project MAP (Math Art Paper) – a series of 16 exhibitions of my artworks at the Mathematics Department at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

25 x 25 x 25 cm
Between the paper and the mathematics (Entre o papel e a matemática)
Between the paper and the mathematics (Entre o papel e a matemática)
15 x 20 x 22 cm

I am so happy that I have managed to finish this piece of art. I was beginning to feel frustrated in my love of paper and mathematics in my artworks. I felt that they imposed on me tight borders limiting the possibilities of further development. I looked for ways to cross these borders, to break rules. And I did it. I am proud and pleased when I see such an unusual form that still has an inner mathematical structure, but looks like waves, mountains and valleys, smooth and sharp, old and new …