Thomas Hull and Robby Kraft

Associate Professor of Mathematics
Western New England University
Tom: Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Robby: Brooklyn, New York, USA.

Thomas Hull: I've been practicing origami almost as long as I've been doing math. Geometric origami strives to express in physical form the inherent beauty of mathematical concepts in geometry, algebra, and combinatorics. The constraints that origami provides (only folding, no cutting) challenges the artist in a way similar to being challenged by a math problem.

Robby Kraft: I'm an origami artist, creative engineer, instructor, and toolmaker. I code creative interactive visualizations and installations, and work on new origami designs and exploratory origami software. I'm fascinated by translations between dimensions, 2D to 3D, from sheet music to music, or across disciplines; both the successes and the moments when things fall apart.

Self-Similar Hyperbolic Flower
Self-Similar Hyperbolic Flower
10 x 23 x 23 cm
Two sheets of Lokta paper, purple and green, back-coated together with methylcellulose.

This model was designed by Thomas Hull and folded by Robby Kraft. It is folded from a regular octagon. The crease pattern is a geometric progression of inscribed squares in an octagon, with the symmetry lines of the octagon included as creases. In theory, the crease pattern can be continued infinitely to the center. The model is also iso-area, which means that the same folded pattern is made on both sides of the paper. To achieve this model, Kraft glued two sheets of Lokta paper, one purple and one green, back-to-back using methylcellulose.