Per Gantelius

Freelance programmer and artist
Stockholm, Sweden

My name is Per Gantelius. I'm an artist trapped in an engineer's body. And vice versa. My background is in computational mathematics, sound engineering and game development and I enjoy achieving beauty through nerdy means. Among other things, I enjoy exploring how mathematical results can be applied in a parametric design setting to create visually pleasing physical objects with an intricate twist.

Tiling puzzle
Tiling puzzle
65 x 100 cm
Birch plywood

This is a large wall mounted puzzle based on a monohedral pentagonal tiling. All 40 pieces are mutually interchangeable and lots of different patterns can be created by placing the pieces in different ways.

The parts were manufactured using a CNC router based on a procedurally generated blueprint.

More pictures can be found at

For a more detailed description of the process, see

Circle lamp
Circle lamp
45 x 50 x 50 cm
Spray painted MDF

This lamp is made out of 13 circles, and exists thanks to the pleasing geometric fact that a planar circle packing can be wrapped around a sphere. The design is based on a Möbius transformed nested Steiner chain packing, wrapped around a sphere using inverse stereographic projection. The circumferences of all the circles lie on the same sphere, which gives the lamp a distinct circular silhouette when viewed from certain angles.

The parts were laser cut from a procedurally generated blueprint.

More pictures can be found at

For a more detailed description of the process, see