
Loe Feijs

Emeritus Professor

LAURENTIUS LAB. and TU/e and Fashion Tech Farm

Sittard and Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Nine de Wit

Student Interactive/Media/Design

Royal Academy of Art, The Hague and Fashion Tech Farm, Eindhoven

The Hague and Eindhoven, The Netherlands


The artists' motivation is to stimulate innovation in fashion. Not only the innovative use of known principles like fractals and tessellations, where mathematics is essential, but also textile and process innovation, next to business innovation (new forms of cooperation). We use for example sublimation printing, laser cutting, laser engraving and computer embroidery for the construction of garments. This year's art work is not a wearable, yet we enjoyed working with stretchable fabrics in a mathematical setting. We worked in Fashion Tech Farm, TU/e and studio LAURENTIUS LAB.


Image for entry 'Borromean Seifert surfaces'

Borromean Seifert surfaces

28.0 x 21.0 x 21.0 cm

Copper, polyester, elastane, sublimation printing


Each object contains a so-called Borromean link, which has three loops holding together, although they are pairwise disconnected. We used fabric for making a Seifert surface around the link. The leftmost surface is filled by a grid formed by simulated field lines of three-phase electricity. The rightmost surface is made from non-stretchable fabric which, however, does "stretch" because of the laser-cut auxetic structure. We used SeifertView by Jack van Wijk and we thank Marina Toeters, Beam Contrechoq, Ralf Jacobs, Frank Delbressine, Holly Krueger and Milou Voorwinden of Fashion Tech Farm and TU/e for their inspiration and help during this project.