Douglas Dwyer

New York City
New York City, New York, USA
I seek to draw points and lines directly. I want to see if I can convey a sense of depth and orientation, transform sculptures, and draw designs on them. In pursuit of these objectives, I developed a representation of sculpture that uses a function in which one inputs a height and an angle and the corresponding point on the surface of the sculpture is returned. This piece, Picasso’s Dove on Venus, demonstrates what can be accomplished with such a function.
Picasso’s Dove on Venus
Picasso’s Dove on Venus
28 x 21 cm
CGI printed on fine art paper
The piece is a computer generated image printed on fine art paper. A link to a slideshow that includes animations of this piece and others is provided below. The password is "bridges". I presented this slideshow at the Bridges 2022 Art and Math conference in Finland. I published a paper describing the approach in the corresponding conference volume.