
Elliot Kienzle

Mathematics graduate student

Mathematics department, University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, USA


I believe in the pedagogical power of a pretty picture. It can get people interested, keep them engaged, and sometimes make the uncomprehended click. I use art to aid and explain math. Even when direct representation is impossible, art can convey how mathematical ideas fit together and some aspects of their flavor. I hope this can aid students and make high-level math more accessible. It takes years of dedicated study to appreciate the mathematics I want to convey, but anyone with eyes can appreciate the art. I try to take the beauty we mathematicians see in symbols and put it on the page for the world to see.


Image for entry 'Anatomy of a symplectic manifold'

Anatomy of a symplectic manifold

45.0 x 40.0 cm

Digital illistration


This illustration was created to explain "symplectic reduction". Starting with a space with an "symplectic" structure and a continuous family of symmetries, symplectic reduction produces a lower-dimensional symplectic space by dividing out the symmetries. This acts as an organizing principle for understanding the structure of symplectic manifolds. When I think of symplectic manifolds, I feel how the swirling dynamics of a group splits the manifold into digestible symplectic reductions. This drawing is my best approximation of that vision, an MRI of the anatomy underneath every symmetric symplectic manifold.