2010 Bridges Conference

Andreia Hall & Prudência Leite


Andreia Hall

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro




We are interested in linking Mathematics with Art using different mediums. Presently we are using patchwork and quilting techniques to reproduce mathematical elements. For instance, we used Voronoi diagrams, fractals and symmetry to create patchwork paterns. The present work explores Voronoi diagrams resembling floral designs.


Image for entry 'Floral Voronoi II'

Floral Voronoi II

55x55 cm

vintage fabrics, sewing threads and accessories.


This work uses patchwork and quilting techniques and is based on a Voronoi diagram which was built in such a way that it resembles a floral picture with four flowers. Voronoi diagrams are a special kind of decomposition of the plane into regions (cells) determined by the smallest distance to a specified discrete set of points (called the Voronoi sites). In this work, the Voronoi sites are creatively explored through sewing and application of other material such as lace and felt.
Image for entry 'Floral Voronoi I'

Floral Voronoi I

55x55 cm

Vintage fabrics, sewing threads and accessories.


This work uses patchwork and quilting techniques and is based on a Voronoi diagram which was built in such a way that it resembles a floral picture with two big flowers. Voronoi diagrams are a special kind of decomposition of the plane into regions (cells) determined by the smallest distance to a specified discrete set of points (called the Voronoi sites). In this work, the Voronoi sites are creatively explored through sewing and application of other material such as lace and felt.