2010 Bridges Conference

Raymond Aschheim


Raymond Aschheim



Issy les Moulineaux, near Paris, FRANCE




As one of a few Hypersculptors, i'm using mathematics, computer science, and rapid prototyping technologies, to produce sculptures of high dimensional objects. To exhaust the fact that they includes an other dimension, I make them electomagetically levitate and freely floating in our space, without any physical link to the earth. My hyper sculptures illustrates my NKS-E8 Theory of Everything, It says that the void is an hypercrystal made of a trivalent network. From Set theory, topology gives a data structure, which gives a geometry. Then data defaults creates forces and matter following Lisi's E8 model. I exposed in intersculpt biennale since 2003, and in Grand Palais's 2009 Art en Capital. I'm trying to express what the universe is on its fundamental level, searching for the Truth, and luckily, finding Beauty.


Image for entry 'HyperDiamond'


8" x 8" x 8"

Transparent Acrylic, Objet technology


HyperDiamond is a four dimensional lattice with F4 symmetry, composed of 125 cubes. Two intertwinning networks, one of all even coordinates, and the other of all odds coordinates, are mixed so that each cube is linked to 24 first order neighbours and 24 second order neighbours. Neighborhoods have the symmetry of the 24-cell regular polytope, and its dual, itself rotated and scaled by square root of two. This space-time crystal build a manifold compatible with general relativity when curvature is added. Internal dimensions, inside the cubes, by replacing the 48 valence by a trivalent internal network hold naturally E8 symmetry encoding standard model with 3 fermion families and massive neutrinos + gravity. Curvature comes from internal defects in the cubes and defines fermions and bosons, and their dynamic.
Image for entry 'BrainVerse'


16" x 12" x 12"

Alumide, magnets


BrainVerse is a minimal model of universe. It's a trivalent network of 32 neurons. Each neuron has a triple tree structure and holds 24 internal and 24 external bits. The externals are connected to other neurons. This NKS set-theoretically network offers E8 symmetry and encodes all particles of Lisi's model, 48 bosons and 3 family of 64 fermions.
Image for entry 'HyperMeridian'


16" x 12" x 12"

Rapid prototyping rendered, as SLS, magnets, levitation


HyperMeridian Projection of S3 meridians. 24 great circles of S3, forming a regular orthogonal grid in phase space of the hypersphere, excluding the lines, are stereographically projected into E3, the Euclidian space.