2010 Bridges Conference

Krystyna Burczyk


Krystyna Burczyk


Lisbon, Portugal




I graduated from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland in 1983 in pure mathematics. I am a math teacher with more than 20 years experience. I started my interest in origami in 1995. My mathematical background pushed me towards geometric models. A mathematical structure of origami model and folding process as well as relation of origami to mathematics have been in the center of my interest from that time. I am also interested in educational applications of origami and I promote origami as a powerful tool for maths' teaching. I had lectures and workshop on this topic at KOTE (Conference on Origami in Therapy and Education), Poland and Didaktik des Papierfalten in Freiburg, Germany. I am an author of five origami books and several booklets. I participated in the large international origami exhibition “Masters of Origami” in Salzburg 2005 and Hamburg 2007. My works were also placed by Nick Robinson in his book The Encyclopedia of Origami and by Origami USA in its calendar.


Image for entry 'Just squares'

Just squares

21 cm x 21 cm x 21 cm

origami, 210 pieces of square paper


Mathematically the model is a snub dodecahedron, one of Archimedean solids. The model resulted from looking for simplest model (measured by number of crease lines). It is a minimal model as it contains no crease line.
Image for entry 'Rectangles & squares'

Rectangles & squares

20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm

origami, paper, 150 red squares and 60 white rectangles


The model is based on the snub dodecahedron structure. It is one of the results of study how different shapes of paper influence final models.
Image for entry 'Red in white'

Red in white

15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm

origami, paper, 24 red squares and 24 white rectangles, no glue


The model is based on rhombic cubooctahedron. One of the recent results of study on minimal (by number of creases) origami models.