Francesco De Comité
Francesco De Comité
Associate Professor of Computer Science
University of Sciences Lille (France)
Mouscron (Belgium)
I am interested in visual representation of mathematical concepts, especially those implying some (a lot of) algorithmic and programming efforts. I have no 3D intuition, hence to understand geometric concepts, I need to get a representation of them, either using rendering (PovRay), or by building models, mainly with paper : my copy of Wenninger's Polyhedron models is full of needle holes and notes... George Hart is a great source of inspiration, and trying to redo his works is a great motivation.

Following the edges of Catalan solids
Digital photo on paper
Virtual slide-together objects, using napolitan playing cards. Each card is following an edge of the polyhedron. Each slide-together corresponds to one of the 13 Catalan solids. Using the information gathered during the process, one could be able to determine the place and lenght of the cuts leading to real world models...

A coumpound of five hamiltonian circuits on a rhombicosidodecahedron
24'' x 36''
Digital photo on paper
A compound of five hamiltonian circuits on a rhombicosidodecahedron.

Following the edges of archimedean solids
Digital photo on paper
Virtual slide-together objects, using napolitan playing cards. Each card is following an edge of the
polyhedron. Each slide-together corresponds to one of the 13 archimedean solids.
Using the information gathered during the process, one could be able to determine the place and lenght
of the cuts leading to real world models...