Jonathan McCabe
Jonathan McCabe
PhD Student
Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra
Canberra A.C.T. Australia
I am interested in spontaneous pattern formation in the natural world, and the application of its "algorithms" to generative mathematical computer art. At the moment I am investigating the Turing Instability as a process to produce bio-mimetic images and animations, which look somewhat like electron microscope images of diatoms. I am attempting to understand by imitation the mathematical processes which produce the world.

Diatomaceous Three
20" x 20"
Archival Inkjet Print
Multiple Turing Instabilities of differing scale with cyclical symmetry are combined, to produce an image somewhat reminiscent of a diatom under the electron microscope.

Diatomaceous Two
20" x 20"
Archival Inkjet Print
Multiple Turing Instabilities of differing scale with cyclical symmetry are combined, to produce an image somewhat reminiscent of a diatom under the electron microscope.

Diatomaceous One
20" x 20"
Archival Inkjet Print
Multiple Turing Instabilities of differing scale with cyclical symmetry are combined, to produce an image somewhat reminiscent of a diatom under the electron microscope.