Manuel Diaz Regueiro
Manuel Diaz Regueiro
Math Teacher, Retired
Lugo, Galiza, Spain
I call my art 'Galician sculptures'. It's a very particular and special kind of three dimensional l-systems, created with my own programs. Presently forms a set of several hundred figures, most of them "wire sculptures" with axial symmetry like tables, exotic dishes or jars with a geometric profile of Islamic flavor sometimes, at other times purely abstract and beautiful objects. Finding rules governing objects and beauty is one of my goals. Finding distinguished and / or spectacular copies, one of my hobbies.

A woodwork. A figure with a joint system that allows figure to make a constant twist while maintaining its structure that gives its own character.
However, the figure conceals his generation system as an L-system, a simple formula that with constants angles combined into a graceful figure.

Six Squares
5x11x11 cm
The work shows how a simple set of five squares in 3D can shows several hidden symmetries. Indeed, there's not squares at all, only squares that aspire to make a 3d figure.
A 3d L-system in which predominates the 90º angle.

Squared triskel
10x10x10 cm
A triskel is an ancient galician symbol (500 BC) that is based on a division in six parts of the circle, i.e, it's based on an hexagon. Now, here is a simple particular view of a 3D figure with six squares. This, again, is an L-system that is away from the traditional idea of an L-system as a tree.