Carlo H. Séquin
Carlo H. Séquin
Prof. Emeritus
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California, USA
My 2010 entries focus on the theme: "Math Becomes Art." Visualization models, constructed to gain an understanding of some mathematical concept, are enhanced to emphasize their aesthetic qualities. This is demonstrated with two topics; the first one concerns "Simple Knots," the second one "Regular maps." -- In 2009, together with a few students, we explored "The Beauty of Knots." For a few simple knots at the beginning of the ubiquitous knot table, we looked for aesthetically pleasing and truly 3-dimensional realizations and then created small sculpture models on a rapid prototyping machine. -- For the last few years I have been trying to find explicit 3D models for the embedding of regular maps on surfaces of appropriate genus. "Regular Maps" are networks of high symmetry in which all vertices, edges, and faces are indistinguishable from one another. There are 76 such regular maps on surfaces of genus-2 through genus-5. So far I have found models for about half of them.
Regular Map R3.2_{3,8} on a Tetrus
4" x 4" x 4"
3D Print, hand painted
Knot 6.1
4" x 4" x 4"
White ABS plastic (FDM)
Knot 5.2
5" x 5" x 3"
Yellow ABS plastic (FDM)