2011 Bridges Conference

Francesco De Comite


Francesco De Comité

Associate Professor of Computer Science

University of Sciences and Technology, Lille, France / European Society for Mathematics and Art

Villeneuve d'Ascq, France




Ray-tracing softwares can help you visualize mathematical objects and concepts. The more you become fluent in their language, the more sophisticated objects you can create. The next step is then to raise those objects to the third dimension, using modeller and 3D-printers. Softwares are my tools, like sculptors have hammers, chisels and gouges.


Image for entry 'The world in a nutshell'

The world in a nutshell


Digital print


Inversion of a Doyle Spiral. There is still another sphere, wrapping all of the others, and tangent to the six border spheres. Can you guess its color ?
Image for entry 'Inside the Riemann Sphere'

Inside the Riemann Sphere


Digital print


A succession of little steps : define a Doyle spiral, invert it in a circle, map it on the Riemann sphere, and finally get inside the sphere. Several layers of spirals, seen from a mathematically forbidden point of view.
Image for entry '3D anamorphosis'

3D anamorphosis


Wood and plastic


This work is an attempt to answer the question a British sculptor, James Hopkins asked me : "Is it possible to design a 3D object that will reveal an hidden design when seen in a mirror ?" The answer is yes, and I begun to develop a method for constructing such installations. This is just an appetizer: the research field looks so fertile. I will present a paper about the method I used at the conference.