I work with programmable analogue drawing machines which I design, build and use to create art works. My machines are either integrally programmed or subject to external Timer control. There are four timers, the latest a fully programmable device, see website.
This work has recently been the subject of a successful PhD by practice at Manchester MIRIAD. Manchester Institute for Research in Art and Design. Mine was the first PhD to be completed there in this new form and I am the oldest student to submit. I have completed the amendments to my thesis and received the approval of my external supervisor. Currently having my theses bound. My preoccupation is with the potential of very simple instructions to create complexity and with art process.
Light drawing on Taitograph NSEWch plotter rig fitted with digital camera on platen and top light colour changer unit which changes the pen colour as the drawing progresses. Programmed by Timer 4 latest fully programmable analogue timer control unit. PhD submission pic.
Light drawing on Taitograph Turntable machine using shutter and wide slit light pen plus colour changer. Programed by Turntables integral programming system. PhD submission pic.
1. Light drawing,with revolving slit colour pen, on Taitograph Turntable machine, programmed with Timer 1 recorded on digital camera and processed in Photoshop. PhD submission pic.