
Jasmin Schaitl

Conceptual Artist, Fashion Designer

University of Applied Arts, Vienna

Vienna, Austria


As an artist and designer, studying at the University of applied Arts, dealing with mathematics is a possibility of expanding my workfield to inspire myself with new methods. By the fusion of mathematics and fashion, a further medium is generated. It shapes and defines body in a new context and opens up a variety of exciting design processes.


Image for entry 'Body-Index-Cloth  III'

Body-Index-Cloth III

83 x 50 x 30 cm

Fashion, 100% Cotton with Satin ribbon


This piece follows the same conditions as the two above
Image for entry 'Body-Index-Cloth  II'

Body-Index-Cloth II

83 x 50 x 30 cm

Fashion, 100% Cotton with satin ribbon


This piece of cloth follows the same conditions as the one above.
Image for entry 'Body-Index-Cloth I'

Body-Index-Cloth I

83 x 50 x 30 cm

Fashion, 100%Cotton with Satin ribbon


This fashion piece consists of four parabolas, corresponding to the individual body wearing it. The parabolas are not changed, there are no tucks nor pleats and no additions of garment, just plain parabola-forms. They are sewed together in a certain order and arrangement. The aim is to design a mathematically formed piece of cloth, only by using the individual parabolas. As regard to certain reference points, the parabolas refer to the person by including body height and body weight in their formula. These parabolas transform the parameters “appearance” and “weight” of the individual body into a geometrical model. By finding another visually, logically and mathematically understandable system, the relation between body and cloth is enforced. By specific and varying combinations, these parabolas start to form and define the body - by simultaneously relating to it.