Bob Sidenberg
Bob Sidenberg
Freelance Artist
Minneapolis, MN USA
As always I've been exploring the rhombic dodecahedron and the complex relationships of its structural elements. It contains, or is contained within, a wide variety of related geometric shapes -- triangle, tetrahedron, square, cube, rhombus, hexagon, et al. It is part of larger matrices that seem to flow through its square and hexagonal axes and grow through space. It even shares some structural similarity with the pentagonal dodecahedron, in addition to twelve sided-ness. I try to work from a center point, but have found that the center is always shifting, never constant, temporary, momentary -- in fact, never really a center at all, but part of a larger construct, somewhere in the matrix. Center is simply a useful and arbitrary concept for the study of geometry.

12" x 12" x 12"
Pine, cedar

27" x 27" x 27"
Pine, cedar