William Duffy
William Duffy
Sculptor/Professor of Fine Art
Department Fine Arts, Towson University
Towson, Maryland USA
Within the past fifteen years, Duffy has been investigating 3D computational graphics to define and represent the underlying forms in nature. Through observation, developing a new series of intuitive mathematical sculptures, Duffy uses a hybrid of differential geometry and algebraic equations to define minimal and complex surfaces. Mathematica is one of the software programs Duffy uses to generate these 3D digital surfaces for parametric plots such as Calabi-Yau spaces. To generate mathematical sculptures he uses mainly implicit, parametric, equations in the form of source-code programming in Mathematica, Surf-X, K3DSurf, and an array of additional CAD-CAM software in order to prepare 3D files ultimately, to fabricate sculptures by using rapid prototyping and CNC-milling techniques. Duffy’s forward thinking belief that the new wave of computational 3D graphics in the arts and sciences will bridge the imminent field of information and nanotechnologies.

24" x18" x 20"
Hydro-stone FGR

12" Diameter
stainless steel bronze