2012 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Charlene Morrow
Charlene Morrow
Faculty Emerita/Independent Artist
Department of Psychology & Education, Mount Holyoke College
Holyoke, MA, USA/Bellingham, WA, USA
I work mainly in the medium of modular origami. I am motivated to understand mathematical ideas by attempting to express these ideas in visual ways. I am deeply impressed by the ways that visually pleasing art often emerges through the process of trying to gain a deeper understanding of the mathematical ideas I set out to explore. I also find that new questions emerge as I look for ways to express my original questions. The dialectical process of mathematical question – visual expression – mathematical question engages my imagination and allows me to experience both the beauty and the power of mathematics. (Photo Credit: Laura Weston, Digitization Specialist, Mount Holyoke College Art Museum.)

Solar Orbits
12" x 30"