

I am interested in all types of mathematical arts which are generated in computers; from 2D and 3D fractals to 3D mathematical sculptures and knots. Every now and then I encounter a new imagery software working on the basis of mathematical algorithms, I try to examine its capacities in creating works containing acceptable amounts of aesthetics. This time I have used Surfer. Surfer is a mathematical imagery software which creates and displays surfaces constructed according to zero sets of polynomial equations. Such equations consist of three variables of x, y and z and could be short and simple or so complicated and complex. Due to the praiseworthy positioning, coloring, transparency, and lighting adjusters of the software one can have not only some rough spatial representations of geometrical shapes, but some aesthetically shapes of art. Software itself has couples of pre-existing equations to start from and altogether provides a handy and easy medium to learn for both math experts and amateurs and even those with aesthetical inspirations and no mathematical backgrounds wishing to have beautiful visual results directly driven from pure mathematics. I usually try, by rotating surfaces in the space, to snap angles of view containing some kind of symmetry. All works presented here are created in Surfer and the generator equations have been provided for each one so that everybody can carry them out again in the software with an easy copy-paste. More information and additional examples could be found in the proceedings of ISAMA 2011 under the title of "Mathematical Art and Surfer" and the software could be downloaded free at .


Image for entry 'Tetradic Knot'

Tetradic Knot

20" x 20"

Digital Art Print


(x^2+y^2+z^2-(0.5+2*a)^2)^2-(3.0*((0.5+2*a)^2)-1.0)/(3.0-((0.5+2*a)^2))*(1-z-sqrt(3)*x)*(1-z+sqrt(3)*x)*(1+z+sqrt(3)*y)*(1+z-sqrt(3)*y)=0 a= 0.15 It should be paid attention that opening my equations in the software might not have the same result in your viewer. Differences are because of zoom, color and/or position issues which are not contained in the equations.
Image for entry 'Blue Ellipse'

Blue Ellipse

20" x 20"

Digital Art Print

