2012 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Radmila Sazdanovic
Mathematics is one of the fine arts although the techniques used by mathematicians are not the classical ones.The work they produce can be understood by very few people definitely contributes to its lack of popularity. Fortunately, some of the mathematical ideas can be expressed through different media- such as painting, sculpture, music, hence their beauty can be appreciated with or without the prior knowledge of mathematics. I create digital prints using photography and computer software, such as Tess and LinKnot. In developing the computer programs as well as artistic ideas I collaborate with scientists (Slavik Jablan), artists (Ruth Mateus-Berr, Ritsuko Izuhara, Studio Aftermoon), and architects (Victor Stipsic, Marko Vujic). The inspiration for my digital prints stems from my current research in knot theory, diagrammatic algebras, and the rich geometric structures found in tessellations of the hyperbolic plane.