
Ho Gul Park

Inventor and draft man

4D Math and Science Creativity Institute

Seoul, Korea


A Pyramid Structure using many 6-feet frames We can make a regular hexagon using 6 regular triangles. Drawing 6 segments from the gravity point of the regular hexagon to each vertex, we can obtain a star with 6-feet. We call it 6-feet frame whenever we make it with 4D frame (similar to straws). If we keep expanding it's structure in three directions (i. e. x-axis, y-axis, z-axis direction), we obtain “a pyramid structure using many 6-feet frames”, which has two kinds of tunnels (regular triangle and rhombus tunnel), in 3-dimensional space. It can be used as expandable and applicable structure in various fields.


Image for entry 'A Pyramid structure using many 6-feet frames'

A Pyramid structure using many 6-feet frames

4D Frame(pp/pe)


I invented 4D Frame at 2000 and make various structures with it. Since I always want to try new things this time I focused on patterns in 3- dimensional space and observed how it looks. This work is about rotational transform, parallel and pattern. I started with one basic unit and connect each unit with pattern and rotating. Finally I can get this beautiful pyramid structure.