
David Levick



Apalachicola, Florida, USA


These works reveal some of the correlations unlocked by exactly Squaring the Circle by perimeter/circumference; an insoluble problem; but for all practical purposes, reconciling the irreconcilable. From this can be extracted: the proportion known as the Golden Section, within which, one wavelength/amplitude describes precisely the geometry of the energetic armature on which "hangs" the Mortal Coil, the origin and source of many ancient symbols; and the door to the secret of light, which is in the Wave. This geometry is embodied in the Great Pyramid @ Giza, Egypt; the base of which is a square; the perimeter is equal to the circumference of a circle, the radius of which is equal to the Pyramid's height. The piano keyboard, w/its two "missing" half-tones in each octave, reflects that the ear recognizes that the progress from one note to its octave, does not proceed uniformly; but is retarded in two places. this anomaly reflects wave phenomenon in general; a key to the work.


Image for entry 'Great Pyramid Cross Section'

Great Pyramid Cross Section

13"x21" in.

pencil and ink on paper


Mathematically exact cross section of the Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt
Image for entry 'Golden Ratio Montage'

Golden Ratio Montage

13"x21" in.

pencil & ink on paper


Montage of golden ratios of the human face, piano keyboards, DNA, and cross section Great Pyramid @ Giza, Egypt showing one(1) Right Hand wound (+) Light Gyre. Within the basic geometry emerge four (4) gyres; two(2) R.H.(+); and two(2) L.H.(-); interpenetrating each other
Image for entry 'Fibonacci Dance'

Fibonacci Dance

13"x 21" in.

pencil & ink on paper


Secret of Light....Keys to Freemasonry....Mystery Artifacts....found @ the Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt