Hans Dehlinger
Hans Dehlinger
Prof. i.R., University of Kassel, Germany
School of Art, University of Kassel, Germany
Kassel / Berlin
The drawings are constructed with the numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, and 5 from the Fibonacci sequence. Hence they are mathematically simple, because this sequence is well known. All drawings make use of a seed-figure (F1) that is generated with this numbers. Different, premeditated generative rules and steps, using standard geometric transformations like rotate, scale, shift and reflect are then applied to the seed figure. The resulting images are submitted to a pen-plotter and are mechanically drawn with a pencil on paper. The rationale behind these experiments is to use a mathematically based starting point, and continue with intuitively, but nevertheless rigorous formulated rules. As a result we expect a series of graphic figures that are related to each other but can stand in their own right. Although simple, they should display a distinctive constructive strength. The pen-plotted lines differ significantly from printed lines, which is an important and a wanted side effect.

Imagesize 16 x 16 cm
Plotterdrawing, pencil on paper

Imagesize 16 x 16 cm
Plotterdrawing, pencil on paper

Imagesize 16 x 16 cm
Plotterdrawing, pencil on paper