2013 Bridges Conference

Henriette Höppener


Henriette Höppener


Amsterdam - the Netherlands




My main interest is the technical side of weaving; discovering and using the capabilities of my loom (Louët Megado, 32 shafts, electronic interface). To create a design I take a picture of architecture or nature. I then continue to work with just a chosen detail of it. Due to the limitations of the loom that detail may be only 32 pixels wide; thus it must be repeated.


Image for entry 'Twijffeltoren'


65 cm x 32 cm (detail of scarf)

bambu yarn


Twijffel Tower* (Twijffeltoren) The liftplan has remained the same, however the warp is threaded in an "advanced" twill. The width of the point in the twill grows two steps smaller each time. In this project the design is thus not an exact repetition, but one that is gradually reduced in size. * In the early stages I had my doubts about a successful outcome of this project. The Dutch word for "doubt" is "twijfel" which rhymes with " eiffel". The name " Twijffeltoren" was conceived as a play on words.
Image for entry 'Eiffeltoren'


65 cm x 32 cm (detail of scarf)

bambu yarn


Eiffel Tower (Eiffeltoren) In 2007 I took a picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and picked a detail with a width of 30, and a height of 783 pixels. This was then modified in Adobe Photoshop Elements. The last step in the operation was adding the weave structure to the project. This was, in this case, a 1/2 and 2/1 twill added as a preset to the patterns in the program. The end result can be copied as liftplan in the weaving software (ProWeave). The structure of the detail of the Eiffel Tower is still clearly visible. In the width of the project the design of 30 pixels is repeated 7 x and then mirrored.