2013 Bridges Conference

Jérémie Brunet


Jérémie Brunet

Fractal artist

Paris, France




Let me invite you to a journey at the borders of the imaginary, in a land of organic intricacies and geometrical maze. My goal is to reveal the unreal and some of the most precious secrets of the universe: the beauty of fractals. As a 3D fractals afficionado, I couldn't resist, it was inevitable, I had to make tangible these intriguing mathematical creatures that have fascinated me for more than 20 years, especially in the last years since the advent of the latest generations of 3D fractals formulas and the latest innovations in 3D fractal rendering and 3D printing techniques


Image for entry 'Beamed Octahedron'

Beamed Octahedron

cm: 10.6 h x 7.8 w x 7.8 d

SLS 3D printed polyamide


IFS fractal based on an octahedral grid. The beauty of fractals is now made tangible thanks to 3D printing. The shape has been generated with the 3D fractal renderer Mandelbulb3D, exported in voxel format, converted into a mesh and 3D printed in polyamide by selective laser sintering.
Image for entry 'Amazing fractal bulb'

Amazing fractal bulb

cm: 8.176 h x 8.344 w x 8.344 d

3D printed sandstone


"Mandelbox" based fractal. A Mandelbox is a 3D fractal obtained by iterating conditional foldings. The shape has been generated with the 3D fractal renderer Mandelbulb3D, exported in voxel format, converted into a mesh and 3D printed in polyamide by selective laser sintering.