2013 Bridges Conference

Luuk de Weert / Jos Hendriks


Luuk de Weert / Jos Hendriks



Utrecht, The Netherlands




The submitted works are part of a series of portraits. They are hand-painted on canvas or perspex mounted prints created according to the following guidelines: -The portraits present a good likeness of their subject using minimal information - From a distance the portrait should appear to be in black and white, but as you get nearer to it, you see that it is actually an abstract pattern consisting of many colours. For the works, I used algorithms written by Jos Hendriks. These algorithms, based on magical squares, allow you to manipulate RGB values of black and white pixels in such a way that the RGB values of individual pixels are changed into colour values, however, the values in the surrounding areas remain unchanged which suggests the presence of color through the use of optical mixing. As far as we are aware, this could very well be the first application of magical squares in this context.


Image for entry 'Portrait of Sándor'

Portrait of Sándor

30 x 30 cm.

Print, perspex mounting


Image created with algorithms that use magical squares to present what appears to be a black and white picture that is actually composed using a limited number of colours.
Image for entry 'Portrait of a woman with ear drop'

Portrait of a woman with ear drop

50 x 50 cm.

Oil on canvas


Image created with algorithms that use magical squares to present what appears to be a black and white picture that is actually composed using a limited number of colours.
Image for entry 'Self portrait'

Self portrait

24 x 24 cm.

Oil on canvas


Image created with algorithms that use magical squares to present what appears to be a black and white picture that is actually composed using a limited number of colours.