As an artist, I am interested by repetitive patterns. My work is characterized by patterns in lines, blocks and repeating forms which are composed by the use of special weaving-techniques and colours. My artwork is based on this kind of mathematical composing. The grouping of blocks and colours forms the essence of these mathematical weave designs. It fascinates me how the combination of techniques and colours works out and delivers the planned design.
Enschede is the inviting town for Bridges 2013. This town is known for its textile-industry. Among the industrial heritage that has been preserved, the cottonmill named “Het Jannink Complex” has been selected as Dutch National Industrial Heritage. As a weaver I enjoyed the challenge to make my designs based on these data.
Jannink Window "Tic"
600 x 400 mm.
Textile, handwoven
The design is based on the windows of “Het Jannink Complex” in Enschede ( I composed 3 designs in which the windows are “translated” in a playful manner. In the six window-glasses of each of the 3 windows I played the game “Tic Tac Toe”. I translated the notations “X” and “O” into coloured blocks. In all three designs the act of the “Tic Tac Toe” games is reflected in these coloured blocks.
The design given by the act in the games was the starting point (Tic). A number of blocks accumulate in the following designs (Tac and Toe), so they should be seen together, to view the result of the game.
The technique I used in these artworks is warp-faced rep (plain-weave), woven on 20 shafts. The warp-threads are all threaded (laced) in the same way, while in each “window” the treadling (trampling) has been changed.
Jannink Window "Tac"
600 x 400 mm.
Textile, handwoven
Blue accumulates across the top in three window-glasses and green, yellow and red each one time down the other way in the other window-glasses.The design also changes by replacing the colour of thin lines in the length. (The warp-threads are replaced in another colour).
Jannink Window "Toe"
600 x 400 mm.
Textile, handwoven
Three in a row in all the 6 windows-glasses. Who won. Blue won 3 times, green, yellow and red one time each.