Instead of becoming a furniture maker, i graduated for this, i did other jobs instead. My interests lied more in music wich i studied in my free time by playing classical guitar. Besides odd rithms and exciting structures in music my interest in (mathematical) artforms developed. In particular Islamic architecture inspired me to make geometrical paterns myselve. Certainly i started to experiment with only heptagrams. After i found several interesting discoveries with 7 folded pieces of paper like objects based on Platonic and Argimedian solids and a segment wich can be connected in several ways as becomming circular, neandering objects i went to the printing office who made ready-cut heptagrams for me. The inquisiteveness on this subject as well as the restriction by having just these heptagrams made me keep exploring 7 fold geometry. Cutting of or folding sides got me into more insight of its possabilities.
L.L.Rb.R.Rb / R.R.Lb.L.Lb
42x42x29,5 cm
paper, glue
A pair of heptagrams are attached together on 2 of their sides. On the bottomside, seen from those 2 attachements, another pair is connected with an angle of 90° so that both pairs are connected at 4 sides. This segment can be placed on another by their equalateral triangular restforms in 3 different ways. By putting the segments in a 'straight' way on top of each other a flat circle of 12 pieces is created; the angle of the 2 restforms is 30°. Another 12 circles can be attached thrue the segments of this 'centre circle' wich moves outside from it with a 90° angle. To explain the title of my artwork a half length of a circle just mentioned is held vertically with the curve aimed left. Four segments are chopped of so 2 left over. The 4 segments make place for 1 who turns right. At the bottom of this one another turns right. The code follows with Rb / R.R.Lb.L.Lb. x 3. The code is seen from the inside of the artwork. More codes are possible to make different circles.
kinetic solid
26x26x19 cm
paper, glue
Lines 7-5, 5-1, 1-4 and 4-2 of a heptagram are fold downwards. Five of these figures are attached to each other with lines 7-1 on 1-2. This unit can be fold in and outside. In this case, the 'legs' are fold so they are attached to each other.
The solid is formed by 12 of these units combined with 20 units which has been connected on the same way, only these are formed with 3 heptagrams with the legs outside. These 2 units are connected with sides 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6. A pentagram of this kinetic solid has been pressed inside.
21x21x21 cm
Line 1-3 of a heptagram has been cut of. Through this line point x is placed with a side-length distance from point 3. Line 6-x is fold upwards. Line 4-x and 5-x are fold downwards. This form is attached on 4 others with lines 3-x to 1-7. Twelve of these pentagrams are attached on each other. The outside lines 4-5 have got no attachements which makes the equalateral triangles seen on the solid.