2013 Bridges Conference

Jun Hu, Loe Feijs , Feng Wang (teachers), Ardjoen Mangre, Matthijs Willems, Hanna Zoon (students)


Loe Feijs

Emeritus Professor

LAURENTIUS LAB. and TU/e and Fashion Tech Farm

Sittard and Eindhoven, The Netherlands






The art works proposed are examples of results of a yearly workshop for industrial design students at TU/e. The workshop serves to teach mathematical principles to design students. The students defined tessellations in turtle graphics using the new Oogway library for Processing and the classical tessellation theory of Heesch and Kienzle. Oogway is a happy marriage of turtle graphics and splines. But we do not stop at a digital representation of their tessellation design, we continue to cut their tessellations in perspex, wood, felt, adhesive plastic, felt and so on (using vector graphics output from Oogway). It moves the abstract concepts of math into the real world, so that the students can experience them directly, which provides a tremendous reward to the students. Before designing their own tessellations, the students got lessons on group theory, golden ratio and splines, next to inspirational lectures about Escher, fractals and Chinese symbiosis art.


Image for entry 'Ancient dragon fish by Matthijs Willems'

Ancient dragon fish by Matthijs Willems

80 x 40 x 1 cm

Laser cut wood


Heesch type CG1CG2G1G2.
Image for entry 'Rhinoceroses by Ardjoen Mangre'

Rhinoceroses by Ardjoen Mangre

52 x 37 x 1cm

Laser cut wood


Heesch type TGTG.
Image for entry 'Bird Rosettas by Hanna Zoon'

Bird Rosettas by Hanna Zoon

35 x 35 x 1cm

Laser cut wood


Heesch type CCC.