
Patrick Honner


Brooklyn Technical High School

Brooklyn, New York, USA


I am a high school math teacher in Brooklyn, New York, who enjoys sharing and communicating mathematics through photography. I have been greatly inspired by the artists and mathematicians of the Bridges conference, and have started experimenting with custom image-processing programs that perform mathematical transformations on my photographs. I write scripts in Python to alter my photographs, applying mathematical concepts from trigonometry, algebra, and calculus to both implement my vision and explore this simple and robust creative space. It is my goal to create an instructional program that will allow students to engage and explore mathematics through this creative activity.


Image for entry 'Waves Goodnight'

Waves Goodnight

Photography; Digital Image Processing


The sunset from Sagres, Portugal, photographed after Bridges 2011 in Coimbra, contracted around a polar spiral centered at the sun via a custom Python script.
Image for entry 'Rectangular to Polar'

Rectangular to Polar

Photography; Digital Image Processing


An early experiment with smooth rotation and contraction. This wall of squares and rectangles slowly deforms into a polar spiral via a custom Python script.
Image for entry 'Building Sines'

Building Sines

Photography; Digital Image Processing


An image of a favorite building in Manhattan, gently bent around a sine wave running vertically through the middle of the image via a custom Python script.