
Roland Gagneux


La Florentine 59620 Leval France


I started carving in the mid 90s after having worked as a modeler of foundry for several decades. I have beginning with sculptures of intertwined forms taken out of the wood mass and then with black and white lacquered creations. Today, I specialize myself in mathematical forms, particularly polyhedra. My experience as modeler helps me a lot to understand the geometric shapes, but also to master the techniques of construction. It was chance that led me to polyhedra : a teacher asked me to create Archimedean and Plato wood polyhedra for his students, this work has allowed me to look at these shapes which are very beautiful and exciting to realize . The opportunities in this area are virtually endless.


Image for entry 'Zonohedrified Crossed Heptagrammic Cupolaic Blend'

Zonohedrified Crossed Heptagrammic Cupolaic Blend

650 mm

Finland birch plywood


Image for entry 'Expanded Propello Truncated Icosahedron. Polyèdre à 902 faces'

Expanded Propello Truncated Icosahedron. Polyèdre à 902 faces

Diameter 75 cm

Finland birch plywood


Image for entry 'Dual Snub Hexpropello Dodecahedron. Polyèdre à 420 faces'

Dual Snub Hexpropello Dodecahedron. Polyèdre à 420 faces

Diameter 60 cm

Finland birch plywood