
Marc Chamberland

Myra Steele Professor of Mathematics

Grinnell College

Grinnell, Iowa, USA


I have long been enchanted by the aesthetic side of mathematics. Most people view mathematics as a collection of tools and procedures and get mired in the mechanics. Mathematical art communicates the essential beauty found in mathematical truths. As G. H. Hardy, wrote, "The mathematician's patterns, like the painter's or the poet's must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colors or the words must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in this world for ugly mathematics."


Image for entry 'Inner Square'

Inner Square

0.9 x 22.0 x 44.0 each in cm

High Performance Composite made with a 3D printer


Inner Square illustrates a beautiful geometrical property. Starting with a square whose side length is one, make four similar slices through each corner to the opposite edge, one third of a unit from the adjacent corner. What is the area of the (red) inner square? While algebra could be used to calculate points and lines to solve this problem, a simple geometric argument yields a solution which a child can understand. The answer can be seen by making two copies of the original square, dissecting them into smaller colored pieces, then recombined the pieces into five identically sized smaller squares (including the red square). This tells us that the inner square has area 2/5. The model invites visitors to move the pieces and experience the transformation. The geometric thought and tactile motion combine to produce a puzzle-like experience which embraces both mathematics and art.