2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Karl Kattchee
Karl Kattchee
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Wisconsin, USA
I use pencil, pen, pastel, paper, cardboard, scanner, camera, computer, and printer to achieve my desired effects. I think of mathematics as just another part of my creative process, even though there usually is a mathematical way of looking at the finished product. For mathematical art to be effective, it is not necessary that the mathematics be complicated.

Habitat Green
16 x 20
digital print
This piece began as a pencil drawing on a piece of scratch paper. After digitizing the sketch, I implemented a deliberate sequence of reproductions, rotations, reflections, translations, and superpositions intended to breed a sense of chaos. The result of that process is found in each quadrant.
The symmetry in the final image is obvious and intended, but I was stunned by it and declared the work done.