2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings

Kevin Lee using tessellations by Makoto Nakamura, Bruce Bilney, Robert Fathauer and Alain Nicolas.


Kevin Lee using tessellations by Makoto Nakamura, Bruce Bilney, Robert Fathauer and Alain Nicolas.

Instructor of Math/CSCI

Normandale Community College

Saint Paul, MN



For many years I have been working on software to create Escher-like tessellations of the plane. My previous programs include TesselMania, Kaleidomania, and Tessellation Exploration. I also enjoy woodworking. My most recent program, in addition to being able to create thirty-three types of tessellations, can generate files to control a laser cutter. This has led to collaboration with several tessellation artists to implement their designs as laser cut wooden tiles that are inlaid to decorate the sides of a box.


Image for entry 'Inlaid Wooden Box of Tessellations by Bruce Bilney, Robert Fathauer, and Alain Nicolas'

Inlaid Wooden Box of Tessellations by Bruce Bilney, Robert Fathauer, and Alain Nicolas

4 x 4 x 4 inches

Wood: Maple, Cherry, Walnut, Oak, Mahogany


In this box I collaborated with three great tessellation artists to implement their designs in wood. The tessellations represent several of the Heesch types for asymmetric, isohedral tiles. A variety of the woods are used to “color” the tile. The tiles are done in two, three, or four different woods depending on what is needed for perfect coloring.
Image for entry 'Inlaid Wooden Box of Makoto Nakamura's Tessellations'

Inlaid Wooden Box of Makoto Nakamura's Tessellations

4 x 4 x 4 inches

Wood: Cherry, Maple, Walnut, Oak, Butternut, Mahogany


Makoto Nakamura has created a collection of tessellation designs that rival M. C. Escher’s collection. The six designs on this box represent the asymmetric, isohedral Heesch tile types: TCCTC, TG1G2TG2G1, TCCTGG, C3C3C3C3C3C3, and CC4C4C4C4.