2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Stephen Wilmoth
Stephen Wilmoth
Math dept, U.C. Berkeley
Pebble Beach, Ca.
My work is directed at demonstrating the amazing interrelationship of the Regular Polyhedrons (Platonic Solids plus Kepler/Poinsot), and the Golden Ratio( 1.618). Blending these together creates the three dimensional projection of the Fibonacci numbers. I call this phenomenon the Morphohedron.

Crystal Morphohedron
6"x6"x6" closed 6"x6"x 18" opened
Clear Acrylic
Transparent Dodecahedron that open to reveal clear cube inside that opens to allow a tetrahedron/octahedron to come out, which opens to reveal the inner icosahedron. All the Regular Solids (Platonic Solids)are here harmoniously nested.