2014 Bridges Conference Short Movie Festival
Diana Davis
Diana Davis
Instructor in Mathematics
Phillips Exeter Academy
Exeter, NH, USA
I am a professional mathematician who loves to explain things. I work in geometry, so the objects I study are easy to describe: pentagons, octagons, and lines. I also work in dynamics, so I study movement: points moving in straight paths, and how systems change. I made a movie using human dancers and colors to explain my work to a general audience, and it was one of the best things I have ever done.
Cutting sequences on the double pentagon
Diana Davis (director); Libby Stein (dancer); Diana Davis, Sarah Fields, Lynn Ann Forrester, Chris Goulart, Thomas Hulse, Mehmet Kiral, Joanna Korman, David Lowry, Victoria McGeoch, Dahlia Nadkarni, Ben Piecuch, Florian Sprung, David Wiygul (dancers)