
Mike Naylor

Artist, COO DragonFjord Puzzles

DragonFjord Puzzles & Games

Vanvikan, Norway


I enjoy creating mathematical artwork with multiple interpretations and hidden ideas that can be revealed by thoughtful interaction. I enjoy working with all kinds of media to capture mathematical ideas in ways that are pleasing, surprising and invite further reflection.


Image for entry 'Runes'


Tablet or smartphone

Digital interactive art on a touch device


This is a digital representation of multiplication in a modulo system. Every dot is a number, with 0 at the top and then numbered clockwise around the circle like a clock. Arcs show the result of a multiplication. When multiplied by 2, for example, dot 1 connects to dot 2 with an arc, dot 2 connects to dot 4, dot 3 to 6 and so on. You control the multiplication number by rolling a dot around the circle, and a slider controls how many dots are in your clock. Designs are animated to show string-art like transformations from one rune to the next. Buttons change the color scheme and direction of animation. This is Art-To-Go! Take it with you as a free iphone, ipad or android web-app so you can play and investigate further.