2014 Bridges Conference

Elaine Krajenke Ellison


Elaine Krajenke Ellison



Sarasota, Florida, USA




The appreciation and demystification of mathematics is a common thread that runs through my mathematical quilts. Drawing, bronze, painting, glass, and photography were mediums I had investigated prior to 1980. In the early l980's, I settled on fabric to tell my mathematical stories. My quilts range from 2000 B.C. topics to contemporary ideas on mathematics. I have designed and quilted over 60 quilts. The mathematical story that each quilt "tells" will intrigued mathematician and quilter alike.


Image for entry 'Greek Cross to Square Dissection'

Greek Cross to Square Dissection

60 " x 60"

100% fabric, beading, quilting


Additional info

Our Bridges Conference in 2008 met in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. A paper presented at the conference titled "Making Patterns on the Surfaces of Swing-Hinged Dissections" by Reza Sarhangi caught my eye. In the paper, Reza mentions a powerful technique for dissections. The technique originated in Chapter 10 of Dissections, Plane and Fancy by Greg Frederickson. The technique is to superpose two tessellations in a way that the common pattern of repetition is preserved. An arrow-like shape is common to both the Greek Cross and the Square. This artwork is unique in the fact that I used two tessellating grids to form the arrow-like shape that is common to both beautiful shapes.