2014 Bridges Conference

Sol Oh, Hyunsook Oh & Hongtaek Hwang*


Hong-taek Hwang

Artist, Emeritus Professor

Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Gumi, South Korea



It is well known that the truncated icosahedron is a geometric model of sphere and also it originated from the ancient greek's great philosopher Plato's cosmic imagination based on mathematics. The soccer ball "Telstar" and nano technology molecule model "Fullerene" are realities of it. For a given RPS, it is possible for us to image a creative pattern derived from sphere by applying the usual sphere formation scheme to the given RPS. Eventually, through a series of tube design experiments, we can establish a tube designed reality of this creative pattern image. We call this reality the Archimedean star with respect to the given RPS.


Image for entry 'Archimedean Dome CSH'

Archimedean Dome CSH


Geometric Tube Design


The figure of 「Archimedean Dome CSH」 is a view from a central position over the dome. We define an Archimedean dome by a dome type modification derived from a chain of certain Archimedean stars which fulls a lots of it's interior. Since the composition above is a chain consisting of all kinds of Archimedean stars, it must be an Archimedean dome.
Image for entry 'Original Think Tank of Spherical Regular Triangle'

Original Think Tank of Spherical Regular Triangle


Geometric Tube Design


In 2011, It was the original sparkling inspiration to design the spherical regular triangle at that times.
Image for entry 'Archimedean Horizontal Star at Introductive Level No. B-8'

Archimedean Horizontal Star at Introductive Level No. B-8


Geometric Tube Design


It's beautiful ! This composition was supported by Research Fund, Kumoh National Institute of Technology